Monday, June 4, 2018

Is the cake SCOTUS baked narrow—or deep?

Everyone’s saying today’s Supreme Court ruling  is a “narrow ruling”. It was 7-2 but they mean narrow in impact, tailored to the circumstances in Colorado’s egregious treatment of this baker.

But as I read it (not being a lawyer) they’re pretty clearly saying that if the state tells a Christian baker he has to bake a pro-same sex marriage cake for a customer, then that state must also tell a pro-same sex marriage baker he has to bake an anti-same-sex-marriage cake for a customer. That sounds significant to me.

It makes me want to go find a foofoo bakery and order an anti-same-sex-marriage cake, just to see what they do; and report them to authorities if they refuse. Hopefully folks are thinking the same thing in all fifty states.

One of these day Ginsberg will leave the Court, and the next ruling on an issue like this is likely to give clearer direction.

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